Stepping Down After a Tumultuous Term as Japan's Youngest Female Mayor

Stepping Down After a Tumultuous Term as Japan's Youngest Female Mayor

A Young Mayor's Difficult Journey

Sawako Naito, who made history in 2020 by becoming Japan's youngest female mayor, has decided not to seek re-election. Her four-year term in Tokushima has been marked by challenges and difficulties, which she attributes to her gender and age.

Naito faced constant scrutiny and unfounded rumors, including accusations of pregnancy, infidelity, and being someone's mistress. These "unjustified voices" caused her significant distress and ultimately led to her decision to step down.

Naito's experience highlights the challenges faced by women in politics, particularly young women. A young woman who had initially aspired to follow in Naito's footsteps changed her mind after witnessing the difficulties she faced.

Naito believes that a combination of factors, including her gender, age, and the political climate in Tokushima, contributed to her hardships. To cope, she sought support from other women in male-dominated fields, finding strength and empowerment through shared experiences.

Despite the challenges, Naito remains committed to working for women's empowerment and community building. She hopes that her experiences will pave the way for future generations of women in politics.

Naito's term has been characterized by "confrontation" and "division" between her supporters and opponents. She expressed a desire to avoid such political battles, stating that she wanted to focus on her own goals rather than engaging in confrontational politics.

Naito's decision not to seek re-election is a significant loss for Tokushima and for women in politics. Her courage in speaking out about the challenges she faced will hopefully inspire change and pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive political environment for women.